Have a record of EVA results

Corin Holloway submitted on

Sunday 12th May 2019


It's difficult to find out who was nominated and who won different EVAs.
There should be blog posts about the winners and why they won or something like that, so winners can show off more easily


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 31st May 2019 11:16am

Hi Corin, thanks for your suggestion. I'm pleased to say there is now a blog post on the Union website which can be found here: https://blogs.susu.org/blog/2019/05/15/excellence-in-volunteering-awards-2019-the-winners/

Congratulations on your award, hopefully this will help you rightfully show off your achievement!

- Evie Reilly (VP DCI)


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    Friday 17th May 2019 1:17pm


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