lobby the University on the state of halls this year.

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 16th October 2020


When we applied for our accommodation, we were told that our fees included access to common rooms, cinema rooms, music rooms, gym and squash courts.  These facilities are currently closed.  Whilst I appreciate that there is a global pandemic, I myself am not at fault, and, I do not believe that it is fair to continue to charge full price for facilities that are not available   For most businesses, Covid-19 meant that they could not provide their services and thus losses in revenue; why should the University be exempt from this? 

Currently, most gyms and sports facilities across the country are open, including those owned by the University and yet those same facilities at Glen Eyre are closed, despite them being one of the key features advertised upon application. 

In addition, we were promised printing services at Glen Eyre, but with the computer room closed, we are not able to access this.  I was told that we have one in reception, however that is not the case and many students have now had to buy printers.

It simply isn't excusable to still be demanding the full price.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 8th Jun 2021 10:52am

In January we were able to successfully close our lobbying campaign for Rent Rebates. The University agreed to offer Rent Rebates for students not living in their payed for University accommodation from the 4th of January until they either return or in person teaching resumes. If you would like to discuss further, feel free to drop me a message at bit.ly/OliviaTeams 

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 8th Jun 2021 10:49am

Thank you for your You Make Change. I forwarded this to the Halls team for response and we also discussed at the November Halls Forum.

Over the last few months we have lobbied and worked with the University to provide as much as activity as possible. As of December 2020 this included:

  • Receptions remain open to deal with any questions you may have, processing of post and parcels and managing maintenance requests; the Domestic Services team have increased their presence and are now on site 7 days per week; and, security cover has increased at most sites providing essential out of hours cover, 7 days per week.
  • Set up support packages for any students who need to self-isolate including a laundry service, and deliveries of food, post and parcels directly to the flat door. For new international arrivals who are required to quarantine on arrival, are providing a complimentary bedding pack, kitchen equipment for use during quarantine, plus a food parcel on arrival. Sim cards with starter credit are also available at receptions for anyone not able to connect with their existing network and contracts.
  • Music rooms are open and bookable through the student resident sharepoint site
  • Increased weekend cleaning
  • Secondary cleaning pack to flats to assist with cleaning in addition to the one provided at the start of the first term  
  • The creation of a new post rooms to manage the parcels coming in and employed more team members at weekends to help with this to get post to students as quickly as possible
  • Increased our security team numbers to assist with responding to noise complaints and maintaining the security of halls  
  • Printer use at sites – Chamberlain lobby, Connaught lobby, Mayflower Reception, EP common room , For Archers road use Romero (ask reception for code) For information regarding the printer at Glen Eyre – there is one accessible in Chamberlain – if there are any problems with access residents should contact reception but fobs should work. This has been there since just after the start of term and we have asked team members to ensure our residents are aware.  Unfortunately with the current closure of the computer room in New Terrace access to that printer is restricted. (The Uni hope this will be able to be reviewed shortly.)
  • Invested in Covid-19 control measures such as sanitiser points across the sites, significant PPE for our staff which helps keep both residents and staff safe, plus undertaking adaptations to receptions in order to keep them open and accessible to residents.
  • Student Life are also continuing to provide a 24/7 wellbeing support to all students with further specialist support services available including access to Specialist Practitioners, via the First Support team.
  • There is also additional services being provided by the Student Services team, including access to free Activities, Board Games and Free Craft Kits. 

The University have also assured us they will open study and common areas again as soon as they are able, however, the continued level of illegal gatherings in halls has made us wary of this in the short term as we are seeing a good number of students not complying with Government Guidance and shared spaces are seen as high risk currently.

In respect of access to gyms, we will review opening the gyms on accommodation sites when the Sport Centre reopens, but as access to these is through Sport Centre membership this is separate to halls accommodation costs. 

Hopefully that gives a picture of the work being done so far to improve halls experience for students using the accommodation. We have also begun conversations with the University to discuss rent rebates for students leaving early in December and not returning this January. We should be able to share more about this work shortly.

If you have any other suggestions please feel free to email me at president@susu.org or ask at our next Halls Forum. 




  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 23rd Oct 2020 10:12am


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