Provide free sanitary products in all campus bathrooms.

Maeve Watson submitted on

Tuesday 15th March 2022


Students and Staff have noticed that the machines to buy products are no longer instock/functional on the WSA Campus and a selection of products in all bathrooms on site would be very beneficial to those who need it, for staff and students. I'm not sure about the situation on the other campuses but this should be something sort after for all.

Not only is period poverty a real issue, but having a slection of products in the bathrooms is just as important as a first aid kit when needed.

If any changes were to be made it should be inclusive of the transmasc and disabled communities too, hence in all bathrooms not just the female ones.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 9th Jun 2022 9:06am

Hi Maeve,

As a final update, the SUSU Shop have ordered MoonCups to be stocked in the shop at a very discounted rate. The availability of these period products will be promoted via various channels, including through the relevant societies. SUSU are also going to explore providing some of these at no cost to those students who need them the most. 

I hope this is positive to hear and if you have any further questions then please contact me at 

Kind regards,

Savanna Cutts- VP Welfare and Community 

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 20th Apr 2022 1:43pm

Hi Maeve,

Just to update you- we have been exploring getting in reusable period products for the The SUSU Shop and to also distribute them to those who need them the most. Not only are these products environmentally sustainable, but in the long run they will cost those who use them less- as they won't need to buy new period products every month. 

Once we have acquired these and I have a final update on plans, I will let you know. 

Many thanks,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community 

Students' Union replied on

Friday 1st Apr 2022 3:54pm

Hi Maeve, 

I have spoken to the University's Estates Team about the machines at WSA. They have let me know that there was a mix up with the supplier and invoicing, but that it is being sorted now and so the vending machines should be restocked very soon. 

I hope this is helpful and positive to hear. 

I am going to be looking into the issue of period poverty separately and will update you once this progresses. 

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 22nd Mar 2022 11:13am

Hi Maeve, 

Thank you for your submission. 

I am currently looking into this and will let you know when I have any updates.

Kind regards,

Savanna- VP Welfare and Community


  • Forwarded to Vice President Welfare and Community

    Friday 18th Mar 2022 10:06am


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