University to add unsubscribe categories to mass emails

Anonymous submitted on

Friday 27th May 2022


The email fatigue really kicks in with uni emails as most emails cannot be unsubscribe by type of email, so the inbox keeps getting flooded where 40-70% mails are not of interest and relevant.

I asked about unsubscribing but it's only possible to unsubscribe from all emails from given sender e.g. all faculty emails - which also doesn't make sense. This all-or-nothing approach has to change to keep the inbox under control and the mind sane.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Wednesday 31st Aug 2022 5:22pm


I have had a meeting with the Head of Student Communications and the good news is that they are currently running a project to modernise student communications. This will involve regulating the access to mass emailing so that students receive the communications that are most relevant to them. This does involve creating a new procedure for mass communications which will take some time to set up, and unfortunately is not as simple as being able to unsubscribe from email groups. If you are interested in being a part of this change, I can put you in contact with the Student Communications team. Please email me at and I can set this up for you.

Thank you for your suggestion!

Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Jul 2022 10:16am

Hello, I have picked this up from Lottie as the new VP Ed Dem. There was no response from isolutions in my handover, but I have chased this up with them. I hope to receive a response from the team soon. Thank you!

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 14th Jun 2022 2:58pm

Hi, I will be raising this with iSolutions to see if there is a workaround - I raised this earlier in my term as VP but we aren't sure of the best practice when it comes to ensuring that students can 'unsubscribe' from particular emails. This is also something that is likely to happen in the workplace, so while it is annoying, it may be something to get used to! I will let you know the response from iSolutions. 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 9th Jun 2022 11:28am

Hello, apologies for the delay. I will meet with SUSU's Head of Representation next week to discuss next steps. Thanks for flagging this!


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Wednesday 1st Jun 2022 10:05am


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