The mid-semester and end of year module surveys should be undertaken after examination period is over.

Alp Ortakci submitted on

Wednesday 8th June 2022


This is an untold issue persistent in many modules in the university. Module surveys are almost intentionally planned on a close date to the exams or simultaneous with the coursework given in the year. Which decreases the amount of feedback given regarding the module and the academic staff. Not only this is inefficient more so seems Machiavellian in terms of assessing the quality of the teaching provided to students.

For this reason:

- Module feedback forms must be sent out after the exam period is over.

- Module feedback should open for a longer period of time, a month or more.

- Module feedback still should remain fully anonymous.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Jul 2022 10:29am


Students' Union replied on

Friday 15th Jul 2022 10:28am

Thank you so much for submitting your YMC. I raised this issue with the module feedback working group and it was well received from the members of the group. As this is an ongoing project, your idea about having end of module feedback after exams now forms part of the groups' recommendations paper which then gets forwarded to University Committee members to review. For this reason, we probably won't hear about an outcome for a number of months. If you would like to chat more about module feedback, please feel free to email me and I can forward on more of your ideas to the team. Many thanks. 

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 9th Jun 2022 11:29am

Thank you for your submission. I will raise this next week with our SUSU Head of Representation so we can identify appropriate next steps. I'll also bring it up in the next Module Survey working group and share their feedback. 


  • Forwarded to Vice President Education and Democracy

    Thursday 9th Jun 2022 10:04am


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