Get an ink cartridge recycle box

Anonymous submitted on

Saturday 7th January 2023


Recycle for charity pays charities for every ink cartridge sent free to them - If SUSU get a communal box not only can students recycle old ink cartridges, but SUSU can recycle from their own printers, and raise money for charity in the process!

All the information is on their website at but it's a really easy and cost-effective sustainability scheme and can support any charity of your choice, local charities such as YellowDoor benefit from it often :)


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 17th Jan 2023 3:03pm


Thank you for your submission!

We have ordered a Recycle 4 Charity box and will have it set up behind our main reception desk in B42. In addition, we have listed ourselves online as a public drop off location. To ensure completeness, I checked that the University had a scheme of their own in place and am happy to report that they use a circular economy model on a building basis whereby empty cartridges are picked up, refilled, and returned to the University to minimise wastage. I have asked that any buildings that do not use this system either adopt it or are made aware of our drop off point. 

I am going to close this submission now. If you have any further questions/suggestions please feel free to submit another 'You Make Change' or email me directly at

All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Friday 13th Jan 2023 9:33am


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