Activities Room Clock

Benjamin Lowe submitted on

Sunday 22nd May 2016


Dear SUSU,

Please could the activities room have a working clock installed?

I contacted facilities directly about this last year, and after much pushing (several verbal requests and email) the clock was fixed late February. The battery quickly ran out, and I have politely requested verbally and by email for it to be replaced; however there has been no progress. I feel that it shouldn't be outside of the reach of Facilities to install a working clock, and if it is not, then I would at least expect to get replies to emails within a week explaining the situation.

Kind Regards,
Ben Lowe


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Tuesday 24th May 2016 2:17pm

I’ll chase this up for you right away, it should be fixed within a few days at most. Thanks for getting in touch, let me know if there’s no change in the coming days.


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Monday 23rd May 2016 9:29am


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