Petition from Martial Arts Room Users to Sports and Wellbeing Management Concerning Urgent Issues with the Martial Arts Room

Laura Smith submitted on 01/11/2019 12:00

Closed on 08/11/2019 12:00

We the signatories, have signed this petition to highlight the urgent need of resolving serious issues with the Martial Arts Room. As members of the Martial Arts Clubs at the University of Southampton, we have tried to raise these issues, outlined below, many times over previous years, but not enough has been done to address them. It is clear that there is a lack of communication and understanding between the Martial Arts Clubs, Sports and Wellbeing staff, and the Maintenance staff, which we hope this petition changes. If successful, this petition will be taken to the Students' Union's AGM on Thursday 21 November.


The main issues are as follows:

1. Cleaning of the mats in the Martial Arts Room

The Martial Arts Room is in constant use, from a wide variety of clubs. Our hands, feet, arms, knees, and faces come into constant contact with the mats. The simple cleaning of the mats once a week is not enough to prevent the possible spread of disease and infection to all users of the room. To bring it in line with the other world class facilities at the University, and to raise the basic health and safety standard of the room, we require that the mats are steamed at least twice a week, and deep cleans are carried out at least once a month. We understand that the Students Union currently holds the contract for the cleaning of the Martial Arts Room, but their cleaning routine does not meet the levels that we require to thoroughly clean the room to acceptable standards.


2. Maintenance of the Martial Arts Room

The current level of maintenance of equipment in the Martial Arts room is below all acceptable standards. The most urgent concern is the broken air conditioning system. This issue has been raised numerous times, by countless different clubs, over the last 3 years. It is no longer acceptable to train in a room that has no way of circulating air. Anyone even walking past the room could mistake it for a sauna, even in winter. This problem has been ongoing for years, and it is not possible for us to train in a room where the walls drip with moisture, and the air is so humid that it can be drunk. Fixing the air conditioning system in the room is a basic maintenance issue that should have been fixed within weeks of it first being raised. Not only is it thoroughly unpleasant and uncomfortable to train it, it can deter people from coming to sessions, leading to decreased membership to clubs, and it leads to the possibility of black mould forming behind the mats on the wall. A portable unit with a pipe leading out the door, which was suggested by Sports and Wellbeing staff, will not be sufficient to circulate, and cool the volume of air in the room to an acceptable standard.


3. Cleaning Supplies

We request the placing of basic cleaning supplies (brushes, disinfectant sprays, cloths, etc.) to be placed in the Martial Arts Room. This would enable clubs to carry out minor cleaning before and after every session (e.g. cleaning minor blood and sweat drips off the mat). We understand that attempts have been made to do this in the past, but the supplies are taken away after a few days. We request that Sports and Wellbeing agrees with the Students Union to place basic cleaning supplies in the room, to be left in the room. This regular minor cleaning would greatly improve the overall hygiene of the room, on a session to session basis, but is no substitute to the thorough cleaning that is required on a regular basis.


4. Punching Bags Maintenance

The two punching bags in the Martial Arts room are in an awful state of disrepair. The one that is currently hanging is  hanging by a thread, and the one that is on the floor has been there for three years. As this is a Sports and Wellbeing room, and we pay for the maintenance and use of the room, Sports and Wellbeing should take responsibility for all equipment in the room, including these punching bags. With the money that we pay for use of the room, Sports and Wellbeing should take full responsibility for the room, and everything in it. We can see no reason why we pay Sports and Wellbeing for use of the whole room, but Sports and Wellbeing only accept responsibility for parts of it. As the punching bags are in the room, this absolutely includes their maintenance, as well as that of the room in general.


5. Martial Arts Room Sports and Wellbeing Membership

Currently, every member of a Martial Arts Club, who use the Martial Arts Room, have to pay £99 for the most basic membership of Sports and Wellbeing. For many of our members, we only use the Martial Arts Room. The current level of maintenance and cleaning of the room does not justify anywhere near the price of the membership. Over the past two years, there has been no improvement of conditions in the Martial Arts room to justify the membership costs, and the cleaning of the Martial Arts Room is carried out by the Students Union. The only time that Sports and Wellbeing staff enter the Martial Arts room is to check if we have paid for the membership. If the above maintenance issues, and an approved cleaning schedule was implemented, we would be more inclined to consider the £99 slightly less unreasonable. In the current system, there is no way that this extortionate price can be justified. Therefore, the creation of a Martial Arts Room Only membership option is needed. Every member of every club paying £99 to use the room is not reasonable when basic issues, as outlined above, are not addressed year on year. We request the introduction of a £30 membership that would entitle holders to only use the Martial Arts Room. This would make the use of the room more accessible, and encourage wider uptake of the membership. Given the lack of maintenance, and cleaning by Sports and Wellbeing staff, we believe that this is a more reasonable price to use the room.


This petition is approved by the Martial Arts Committee. The concerns are shared by all the signatories. We look forward to your response, the Martial Arts Committee is very willing to work with you to resolve these issues.



Laura Smith


President of the Martial Arts Committee on behalf of the Signatories

Athletic Union Martial Arts Representative

Current Signatories 193/250

Mohamed Abdul Razzak
Zain Akhtar
Alexandru Amarandei Stanescu
Ty Amorosano
Krithika Anil
Isaac Aryee
James Ashley
Rohit Aswani Lalchandani
Ben Baddour
Komal Baidwan
Bhavdeep Bains
Hugh Bannister
Marina Baranova
Jules Barretto
Bruno Batista
Olivia Batten
Vincenzo Bavetta
Matt Blazewicz
Matthew Bone
Patrick Bourg
Guy Boyde
Imogen Brighty-Potts
Tia Burden
Aalijah Buttimer
Richard Carter
Liberty Cast
Alexander Cavell-Taylor
Wiktoria Chyla
Michael Cleary
Jacinta Clovis
Amalia-Andreea Cojocar
Bruno Colato
Sophie Cole
Callum Connolly
Charlotte Cordery
Hannah Coull
Robert Crupa
Jamie Cuxson
Ruta Czaplinska
Louis Dadswell
Alice Davies
Caitlan Denham
Sebastien Dewey
Antonio Di Lena
Angel Doychinov
Bogdan Dragomir
Emilio El-Homssi
David Elloway Smith
Simeon Enchev
Thomas Falzon
Rashad Fatayer
Hugo Flint
Metodi Gachev
Boris Georgiev
Georgi Georgiev
Miroslav Georgiev
Piotr Gliniak
Ahmed Gorelski
Daniel Gregory
Harry Hall
Daniel Hammond
Charles Harrison-Brown
Matthew Hawkins
Alex Hegarty
Anh Hoang
Charlotte Hockin
William Hunt
Antony Hutt
Isra Ilyas
Ivan Ivanov
Mohammed Jahan
Aman Jameel
Luke Jefferies
Nadine Jefferies
Matthew Jeffery
Adrianna Jezierska
Rhianna Jobson
Atanas Kanev
Abdur Khan
Louis King-Cox
Kavinan Kirubendran
Patryk Kozak
Konstantin Kroumov
Elo Kumel
Maina Lafage
Peter Langlois
Bryan Law
Laura Liddell
Tania Lim
Ying Lim
Zak Lok
Mustafa Lone
Jack MacKellar
Pavels MacKevics-Manko
Tristan Madeleine
Zac Major
Nathan Marsh
Anna Marshall
Ryan Mawby
Gabriel Melillo
Razvan Milicin
Valentine Miscenko
Adam Mohd Yusri
John Mulcahy
Brandon Mulliner
Fraser Munn
John Murphy
Chloe Negrini
Jack Neill
Emily Nelmes
Elizabeth Newnham
Rory Nickolls
Monika Nikolaeva
Elliot Nixon
Fariha Nuzhat
Andreea Ogledean
Peter Olley
Rodolfo Olvera-Trejo
Christopher Orbizo
Elizabeth Palmer
Alin Panca
Kasjan Paszkowski
Neil Patil
Rosita Pehlivanova
Maxime Pennell
Yavor Petkov
Alexander Petrov
Charlotte Petty
Adrian Picciau
Matthew Potts
Jason Powell
Tom Radford
Prithvi Rajnarayanan
Toshan Rampat
Bilal Rashid
Jahson Ratandi
Jude Reginald Nimalan
Muhammad Rehman
Rowland Rich
Giles Rowing
Gwennan Rucinski
Anisha Russo
Methusha Sakthipakan
James Saletes
Victoria Sands
Alastair Saunders
Jacob Scott
Harvir Segue
Steven Sheppard
Alexander Sillwood
Phillipa Simpson
Viktoria Sitnik
Callum Sleath
Laura Smith
Connor Smyley
Daniel Smyth
Oluwajumoke Soyode
Hamssadvani Srirangeraj
Simeon Stankov
Lucy Steadman
Thomas Steadman
Kalina Stoilova
Elwynn Tan
Alfred Taylor
Christopher Teale
Rebecca Teitelbaum
Nathan Thomas
Zhongyang Tian
Andrew Tobin
Alexander Toh
Khoa Tran
Julia Tryk
Marcus Tuchel
Leo Turoff
Charles Turvey
Joshua Ugoji
Sharan Umavassee
Emilien Valat
Georgi Velkov
George Voynov
Jason Wang
Wiktor Wdowin
Reece White
Myles Wilkinson
Adrian Williams
Saxon Williams Harries
Emily Wymer
Esther Yekini
Gi-Yian Yiu
Thomas Young
Farida Yusuf
Chen Zhang