Lobby the university to divest from fossil fuels

Gray Wood submitted on 01/03/2024 11:00

Closed on 11/03/2024 11:00


The University of Southampton currently invests 0.5% of its investment portfolio in direct fossil fuel companies, and 0.6% in indirect fossil fuel companies.  The university states this is to “engage with fund managers to invest responsibly” (Fossil Fuel statement 2022).

Based on the University's 2023 Financial Statement (publicly available on the UoS website), there is over £2.6 million invested in direct fossil fuel companies and £3.1 million in indirect fossil fuel companies.


This is the equivalent of 616 UK Students Annual tuition fees!

In the face of the climate crisis, one of the most pressing issues of our age, any investment in fossil fuel companies is a direct contribution to the climate crisis.

Surely the most responsible investment is one that contains no fossil fuel companies?

We call on SUSU to hold a referendum to lobby the university to divest from direct and indirect fossil fuel companies.



Current Signatories 276/250

Nathan Acheson
Sarah Ait Mouhoub
Alba Vega Alonso Tetilla
Alexia Ambekar
Harris Andrews
Alanis Ballans
Joe Barty
Cédric Berthalon
Xanthe Bird
Franc Blackmur
Anthony Boldero
Lauren Bridge
Sian Brookes
Amaya Brown
Harriet Brown
Luke Brown
Alice Bullock
India Bunce
Joshua Carpenter
James Carroll
Emily Cassidy
Jacan Chaplais
Bernadette Cheng-Whitehead
Lucille Lyllou Chevalier
Emily Chilvers
Lawrence Chiu
Seren Church
Katia Cienciala
Breseya Clark
Louis Cleave
Aimee Cleminson
Janek Codlin
Nicola Cooper
Alice Cowell
Maxwell Cox
David Crossman
Taya Davidson
Hayden Davies
Tessa Davies
Luisa De Freitas Costa
Anthony De Vitis
Amber Deane-Johns
Eleanor Demaio
Emily Dennis
Kit Dibben
Cicely Donnett
Amy Draeger
Tobias Driskell-Poole
Harley Drohan
Emily Dugdale
Lili Dunbar-Creasey
Charlie Dunn
Edward Dymond
Sadie Entwistle
Georgina Evanson
Lauren Faithfull
Saif Fazal
Max Fedoroff
Kat Fevyer
Amber Fitz-John
Hebe Fitzpatrick
Lois Fitzpatrick
Rebeca Ghiurutan
Alexandra Giles
Megan Gillett
Chloe Gleeson
Catriona Gow
Saakshi Gowda
Lucy Grant
Lucy Griffiths
Lauren Grove
Yixuan Guo
Ben Hadlington
Katy Halliwell
Daniel Hampton
Maisie Hancock
Sophia Hanson
Jiachen Hao
Hannah Harding
Noah Harper
Trinity Harrigan-Brown
Megan Harrison
Amie Harrison Ranger
Samuel Hart
Lucy Hastings
Charis Heaven
Kora Herbert
Lily Hewett
Sadie Hewitt
Beatrice Hickin
Amelia Hikin
Kate Hines
Holly Hoban
Mariella Hock
Zoe Hooper
Katie Houlihan
Oliver Howe
Jacob Howells
Joseph Hubank
Dennis Hughes
Oliver Hunter
James Hurford
Ella Hyde
Veselina Ikonomova
Olta Imami
Aleksandra Isajeva
Ria James
Grace Jim
Charlotte Jones
Owain Jones
Libby Kale
Joshua Kennard
Zayn Khan
Lily Killner
Dongin Kim
Tom Kingsford-Dowd
Erin Kirk
Sam Kitson
Mathison Knight
Cordelia Knight-Webb
Suzie Knock
Brandon Koh
Matthew Kohler
Jennifer Latta
Jessica Laws-Robinson
Josie Lea
Millie Leonard
Harrison Linfield
Ethan Lyon
Rachel Major
Ebony Marsh
Lucille Martin-Williams
Celine Mason
Lucy Matthews
Natalie May
Phoenix McArthur
Rowan McGonigle
Caroline McIntosh
Rebecca McLellan
Poppy McLeod-Jones
Naomi Melton
Nicolas Merriman
Vibhum Metkar
Georgia Milner
Elliot Mitchell
Daniel Mohammadian
Jasmine Morgan
Eva Morris
Oliver Mortimer
Thristan Narasinkan
Randall Nason
Rhys Naylor
Lethicia Nemeti
Charles Newham
Mark Newman
Moi Nicholas
Sam Nicholas
Daniella Nunn
Matthew O'Boyle
Anna Obure
Faith Oldfield
Lily Ong
Phoebe Osborn
Edward Owen
Naomi Park
Jamie Parton
Emily Pearce
Bella Penton
Noah Penton
George Peppard
Eleesha Peters
Mary Jane Piper
Rubens Pirie
Naomi Pitzer
Tommy Poll
Thalia Pope
Lauren Porter
James Pouncey
Bronwyn Powell
Penny Powell
Sophie Prescott
Leo Prince Brown
Luna-May Profir
Anais Radeka
Matthew Rapley
Tyler Raynes
Hannah Reader
Jack Reeves
James Richardson
Sophie Ridgewell
Rachael Roark
Isobel Robertson
Matthew Rochford
Alex Ross
Harvey Rowan
Saffron Russell
Ellie Saga
Anna Santafianou Monogiou
Thasyan Santhirakumar
Riya Sarai
Belkis Sayin
Henry Scarry
Jessica Schreiber
Sharon Scurlock
Tobias Shattock
Arianwyn Shipsides
Ojaswita Shukla
Judith Simmonds
Isla Skudder
Aaron Smith
Caroline Smith
Poppy Smith
Ryan Smith
Kira Smithson
Connor Snellgrove
Rebecca Snelson-Kennedy
Izzy Spruzen
Fletcher Stafford
Jack Stenson
Katy Stephens
Rubie Stephenson
Sophie Stratton
Penny Styring
Robbie Suchodolski
Rachel Sullivan
Salma Sulub
Fiona Sunderland
Ella Sutton
Catherine Tait
Guy Tallents
Galateia Tatsi
Josephine Taylor
Luca Theodorou
Chloe Thomas
Zoe Tidmus
Joseph Townsend Bilton
Chane Ueckermann
Marlene Van Der Giessen
Rhiannon Vipond
Helena Virag
Kate Waller
Emily Watkins
Ondine Watson
Billy Weir
Jacob Wells
Heidi Wheatley
Tyler Whiteoak-Dooley
Eva Wilcock
Mayella Willett
Emily Williams
Lux Williams
Tezni Williams
Thomas Willis
Eddie Willoughby
Cassia Wilson
Gray Wood
Jaret Wrintmore
Kim Yeap
Maia Ziv