Lobby the University to have a break between semester 1 exams and the start of semester 2

Michael Hickie submitted on 27/03/2024 09:00

Closed on 10/04/2024 09:00

This petition is calling for an all-student vote, requiring SUSU to lobby the university to amend the University calendar to have a break between Semester 1 exams and Semester 2, using the petition to help illustrate how important this is to students.


In short: Some students get as little as 2 days between their last exam and the start of semester 2. This massively contributes to burnout and causes students to be behind and do worse in their course. Putting a weeks break between exams and the start of semester 2 will massively mitigate the burnout and stress caused.


If someone's just run an 8-hour marathon with a sprint to the finish, no sane human being would go "Well done! Now take a 20-minute breather, we're going to do the exact same thing again" and yet every year that's exactly what happens.


It is absurd that some students have big exams or deadlines due on the last day of exams week and are expected to be ready for an entirely new semester 2 days later. We need a break!


I propose moving back Semester 2 back by a week and having no exams, no deadlines/assignments, no lectures or anything in the interim. Moving semester 2 back a week would:


•Boost student mental health as we actually get a break


•Boost the performance of student’s exams and coursework in semester 2


•Boost staff mental health as they can have more time to mark exams/coursework and compose themselves for semester 2.


Every year so far what's happened in my case, as well as many of my fellow students: We finish semester 1 exams, we try and go to lectures in semester 2 and generally keep up the pace, after a few days we stumble from sheer exhaustion and burn out and we get behind, which then snowballs and results in us doing worse.

Practically every student I know is behind, some worse than others and it's not good for anyone.


I'm not naive though, I know this would take work and time, I know that this will involve changing term dates, adjusting graduation dates, possibly adjusting accommodation contract lengths and more. I know that this isn't something that can be sorted out in an afternoon, but this would absolutely be the most effective and long-lasting thing the University could do to improve the mental

health of staff and students alike, which the University should be keen to do, what with their focus on improving mental health.


I would like to take the time to pre-emptively address one potential counter-argument of "Student's just had a break over winter, they don't need another break so soon". Unfortunately, this is fundamentally incorrect. Practically no students I know have actually been able to take a break over the winter period. With the amount of coursework and studying that's required, it's simply not feasible to both take a break, and do well. This isn't a time management issue either, even the most prepared and efficient students will still hardly get to take a break. Having a week with no assignments or exams pending would do wonders for students desperately needing a break, needing to fix their routines or do chores they've been putting off to focus on their studies.


This isn't something that I expect I'll ever be able to benefit from, since I'm graduating this year, but if future cohorts don't have to experience this problem, that will be great :)


Thank you for taking the time to read this petition, and I hope you will support it!


Best Wishes


Michael Hickie


Welfare Rep ECSS


Welfare Rep SVGE

Current Signatories 261/250

Amirah Abu Bakar
Ariq Adi Azuan
Eiman Afzal
Sitara Ahilan
Sri Kousthubha Allampalli
Jessica Allen-Byott
Esi Amoah
Thiru Ananthanarayanan
Katie Anderson
Sunny Angel
Gavin Aren
Ash Azhagesh
Chloe Bacca
Chaitanya Badhwar
Kaan Bagci
William Baker
Alanis Ballans
Georgia Bannister
Will Barratt
Jack Barrett
Lauren Bartlett
Joe Barty
Sireen Bayazid
Khudeja Begum
Ben Berenyi
Rugile Bertasiute
Charlotte Bevan
Maeve Bicker
Amelia Black
Isobel Blanch
Roman Bloch
Anthony Boldero
Lewanique Botchway
Darcey Boyle
Charlie Britton
Sian Brookes
Emma Brown
Luke Brown
Ruth Brown
Mina Buchvarova
Ryan Budd
India Bunce
Nathan Butler
Leyla Cali
Kate Callaghan
Jack Carter
Shemoya Carty
Willow Chan
Glen Chaplin
Max Chaston
Kai Chevannes
Nabihah Choudhury
Alfred Chung
Connor Clark
Dylan Collins
Jack Cooke
Maria Cowle
Anna Cox
Imogen Daniel
Hayley Davies
Nicholas Davies
Tessa Davies
Michael Dewland
Kit Dibben
Abigail Dixon
Harley Drohan
Joshua Earley
Mohannad Elsaadawy
Aumni Evelyn
Siti Faisal
Olly Ferrier
Michael Fletcher
Benedict Foster
Poppy Franklin
Fei Gao
Victoria Gbadegesin
Dillon Geary
Jedidiah Gebreselassie
Teodor Gerov
Amy Gil
Callum Gilchrist
Elli Greaves
Justine Guardiana
Aaron Gulotta
Ethan Guppy
Ben Hadlington
Ahmad Haimour
Asher Hall
Adam Hamilton
Ben Hammond
Jesse Hardy
Alfred Harold
Luke Harris
Katie Hart
Nora Hatem El Sayed Hamed
Sophie Hayes
Tierney Haynes
Theodore Head
Ben Hermanns
Lily Hewett
Michael Hickie
Charlotte Hillman
Molly Holder
William Hoque
Alice Houlden
Robert Hughes
James Hurford
Abdul Bari Ibrahim
Javier Ingles Guirao
Ken Inomoto
Gaby Iuliano
Britannio Jarrett
Samuel Jasper
Trish Jeyakumar
Nadzhie Katanani
Freddie Kelly
Joshua Kennard
Vanshika Keshari
Ayaan Khan
Sumaya Khan
Natalie Ko-Ferrigno
Pranava Koppula
Abi Kughathasan
Ronnie Lam
George Langley
Daniel Ledger
Chloe Lee
Kieran Lee
Euan Lee-Cann
Oliver Levine
Benjamin Lewis
Sarah Malem
Justin Man
Lucille Martin-Williams
Jasmin Mayo
Luke Mazarelo
Phoenix McArthur
Oliver McGregor
Nathan McLaren Donovan
Rebecca McLellan
Sandy Menezes Covre
Theo Metais-Aleem
Reuben Miller
Daniel Mohammadian
Jess Morris
Hannah Mulhern
Glen Mutinda
Nivi Nair
Carlotta Neal
Kat Neely
Ronnie Nobbs
Samuel Northway
Katie Norton
Leah Nyahunzvi
Catherine O'Reilly
Connor Oftebro
Oluwatosin Ogunribido
Sena Oktay
Rob Osborne
Reuben Paine
Kiera Parkhouse
Nikola Parushev
Kiran Patel
Rohan Patel
Michael Penston
Donia Petrovich
Naomi Pitzer
Thalia Pope
Leo Prince Brown
Katie Prowting
Childare Quayson
Manu Quero Delgado
Umar Rahman
Shiyaran Raveendran
Fiona Redmen
Alice Redmill
Ben Rees-Inglis
Sophia Rehman
Alexandra Reynolds
James Richardson
Katrina Richardson
Jacob Rickayzen
Sophie Ridgewell
Jude Roche
Lewis Roper
Luke Ryan
Armaan Sachdeva
Hummaida Said
Carmen Sanchez Nicolas
Anna Santafianou Monogiou
Jessica Schreiber
João Carlos Schymura Gomes De Almeida
Joshua Severn
Chloe Sharman-Moss
Arianwyn Shipsides
Jack Showering
Ojaswita Shukla
Louis Silva
Amar Singh
Aravinth Sivanenthiran
Aaron Smith
Annabel Smith
Julia Socha
Balaji Srinivasan
Thomas Stanton
Jack Stenson
Robert Stoica
Riya Sudev
Ifrah Syeda
Amira Tahiri
Ronit Talukder
Amy Tamblyn
Kai Kee Tan
Li Tan
Galateia Tatsi
Liam Taylor-Rice
Melia Taylour
Thomas Taysom
Guillermo Tenney Diaz
Alexander Tomlins
Eth Townsend
David Tsang
Kathleen Tuck
Ethan Turnbull
Elena Vega Alvarez
Rhiannon Vipond
Atra Waddington
Beth Waller
Kate Waller
Emma Watts
Finn Welsh
Zachary West
Harvey Wilkinson
Ella Williams
Ryan Williams
Jen Sean Wong
Alex Woodruffe
Chloe Worrall
Chloe Worsley
Kim Yeap
Yuehua Yin