Transition all catering outlets to plant-based

Max Colley submitted on 03/05/2024 09:00

Closed on 14/05/2024 16:00

Animal agriculture, globally, constitutes 18% of carbon emissions (IAPWA, 2022). This is principally because of the amount of resources required to sustain the lives of the 92.2 billion (Humane Society, 2023) farm animals that are slaughtered each year; presenting an ethical and environmental dilemma. 


Our university catering recognises that agriculture has connections to deforestation, and hence are limiting their number of soy products on menus to less than 30% [1]. However, 75% of soy imported into the UK is used for animal feed (EFECA, 2021), which will be used for the animals whose meat we do sell on our menus. 


On top of this, it has been found that plant-based diets create "75% less dietary greenhouse gas emissions compared to diets in which more than 100g of meat a day are eaten." [2]


Thus, considering the University Catering's acknowledgement of the detrimental impact of animal agriculture on our environment and climate, this petition asks them to commit to 100% plant-based catering.


In respect of the adaptive procedures necessary, we ask that the transition begins in the 24/25 academic year, where it should reach 60% plant-based catering, and then 10% each year afterwards until the transition is complete. Hence, we, the undersigned, call on a Union Senate meeting during which this motion will be discussed.



[2] Scarborough, P., Clark, M., Cobiac, L. et al. Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts. Nat Food 4, 565–574 (2023).

Current Signatories 271/250

Nada Abumahlula
Scott Adams
Joseph Adamson
Grace Addison
Lily Akers
Sri Kousthubha Allampalli
Eleanor Allsop
Catherine Anderson
Jules Anderson
William Anderson
Dylan Andrew
Sunny Angel
Izzy Angell
Hannah Argles
Will Ashdown
Nicki Ashworth Ashworth
Holly Aston
Ellie Atayee-Bennett
Millie Avard
Grace Baggott
Fiona Ball
Arya Banerjee
Laura Barbara
William Barr
Jordan Beeney
Molly Behan
Claudia Bejan
Karla Bejan
Becky Bell-Wadsworth
Sophie Bennett
Amy Berry
Holly Berry
Cédric Berthalon
Samridhi Bhanot
Sophie Bickford
Khairah Boukhatem
Josie Bowen
George Bowles
Isabel Braithwaite
Frankie Brereton
Lauren Bridge
Madison Brown
Miranda Brown
Marcia Browne
Amelia Brunker
Mina Buchvarova
Rachel Budd
Jasmine Cacioppo
William Caldwell
Ryane Canaku
Olivia Cardus
Kerenza Carne
Emily Cass
Shaza Castle
Annika Catulli
Giorgio Cerro
Erin Child
Jazmin Choudhury
Seren Church
Owen Clarke
Max Colley
Roe Cooper
William Cooper
Katie Croucher
Lucas Cullens
Kesia Cunningham
Erin Davidson
Sophie Derrick
Arrietti Dickinson
Alexandra Dowell
Amy Draeger
Emma Duong
Lilly Dyakova
Ola Elamin
Brooke English
Lilia Erskine
Grace Eshel
Georgina Evanson
Ben Everest
Josephine Farrar
Tessa Faujour
Fernando Fernandez Arias
Hebe Fitzpatrick
Sofia Franklin
Andy Gao
Yijia Gao
Mar Garcia Blas
Chanell Gardner Ackie
Teodor Gerov
Chloe Gleeson
Molly Grace
Sophia Grace
Sophie Green
Thomas Griffith
Ruby Gwatkin
Snehan Haldar
Joe Hall
Holly Hamilton
Josh Haque
Jesse Hardy
Trinity Harrigan-Brown
Eleanor Harvey
Nora Hatem El Sayed Hamed
Joseph Hattersley
Owen Henney
Diana Herlea
Willow Herring
Henry Hilder
Chloe Hill
Holly Hoban
Emily Hollins
Bel Holmes
Ellie Hornshaw
Oliver Hunter
James Hurford
Ben Hutton-Penman
Alisha Idrus
Aleksandra Isajeva
Lottie James James
Tawshipa Jarin
Asher Jayson
Megan Jenkins Davies
Luca Jeziorski
Thomas Johnson
Charlotte Jones
Miles Jones
George Jowitt
Yash Karlekar
Rebecca Kearnes
Abdulsalam Khalil
Dongin Kim
Mia Kirk
Rebecka Knudsen
Magdalena Kokot
Jewel Konieczny
Thomas Laidlaw
Elena Lanuza
Rosie Lawrence
George Lebon
Siix Lepley
Rachel Lewis
Helena Livsey Hammond
Alexander Lloyd
Hazel Lloyd
Thomas Looker
Sophia Loseby
Darcy Lynall
Amalya Mabini
Hrishikesh Madhusudana
Katherine Makulska
Rhianna Malpas
Gergana Manolova
Kristina Manolova
Elisa Marieni
Dylan Martch-Harry
Sof Mason
Benjamin May
Jack Maynard
Ciara McLauchlin
Rebecca McLellan
Anne McMahon
Gemma Medwell
James Miskin
Elliot Mitchell
Izzy Mitchell
Freya Molineaux
Francesca Morgan
Jasmine Morgan
Charlotte Morris
Harry Mountstephens-Gaywood
Selin Moustafa
Sofia Mroz
Rajnandini Mukherjee
Glen Mutinda
Kaylee Neal
Ella Newman
Jessica Newman
Joely Newman
Stephen Nicolaides
Emily Norman
James O'Donohoe
Aiden O'Neill
Ian Orieko
Iwan Owen
Charles Parrott
Ben Parry
Abby Parsons
Jamie Parton
Alisa Patel
Bela Patel
Kallum Patel
Kiran Patel
Molly Payne
Emma Pearce
Henry Pearson
Felix Peck
Thomas Pendrey
Ella Penrose
Mary Jane Piper
Olivia Putnam
Sarah Quibell
Ben Qureshi
Roma Rajani
Bella Rapone-Graham
Phoebe Rathborn
Alice Redmill
Alexandra Reynolds
Luca Ringlet
Joseph Robbins
Ben Roberts
Isobel Robertson
Matthew Rochford
Sammy Rolston
Alice Rouse
Jacob Rowberry
Evangeline Rusbridge
Freya Ryan
Lilly Sales
Thomas Salkeld
Ella Samouel
Devon Sansom
Sophie Saunders
Gemma Savage
Lorna Selby
Radhika Shah
Suraj Shankar
Anastasiya Shvets
Sutinder Singh
Molly Slade
Joshua Slater
Amy Smith
Abbye Snell
Julia Sobczynska
Andrei Sontea
Nicolau Sousa Papadopoulos
Joshua Sowden
Francesca Sperring
Jacob Stanton
Alma Steingrimsdottir
Annabel Stevens
Tom Syme
Amy Tamblyn
Alex Taylor
Elise Taylor
Gabriella Tchuenkam
abi Tebb
Arjun Thakar
Carys Thomas
Ben Van Blerk
Rhiannon Vipond
Gabi Walker
Maya Walpole
Felix Walton
Jade Ward
Charlie Warner
Charlotte Watson
Alessa Werson
Tyler Whiteoak-Dooley
India Wildman
Erin Wileman
Mayella Willett
Alexander Williams
Ella Williams
Emily Williams
Jazmine Williams
Mia Williams
Amelia Wilson
Martyna Winiarska
Gray Wood
Ma Xiu
Lijia Yi