Transition all catering outlets to plant-based

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Max Colley submitted on 03/05/2024 09:00


Animal agriculture, globally, constitutes 18% of carbon emissions (IAPWA, 2022). This is principally because of the amount of resources required to sustain the lives of the 92.2 billion (Humane Society, 2023) farm animals that are slaughtered each year; presenting an ethical and environmental dilemma. 


Our university catering recognises that agriculture has connections to deforestation, and hence are limiting their number of soy products on menus to less than 30% [1]. However, 75% of soy imported into the UK is used for animal feed (EFECA, 2021), which will be used for the animals whose meat we do sell on our menus. 


On top of this, it has been found that plant-based diets create "75% less dietary greenhouse gas emissions compared to diets in which more than 100g of meat a day are eaten." [2]


Thus, considering the University Catering's acknowledgement of the detrimental impact of animal agriculture on our environment and climate, this petition asks them to commit to 100% plant-based catering.


In respect of the adaptive procedures necessary, we ask that the transition begins in the 24/25 academic year, where it should reach 60% plant-based catering, and then 10% each year afterwards until the transition is complete. Hence, we, the undersigned, call on a Union Senate meeting during which this motion will be discussed.



[2] Scarborough, P., Clark, M., Cobiac, L. et al. Vegans, vegetarians, fish-eaters and meat-eaters in the UK show discrepant environmental impacts. Nat Food 4, 565–574 (2023).