
Student Life Zone (22nd October 2018)


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Name of Committee Student Life Zone
Date and time 22nd October 2018, 15:00
Present Members
Vice President Sports Stephen Gore
Clubs and Societies Rep David Stanley
Vice President Welfare Isabella Camilleri
Housing Officer Chira Tochia
Welfare Officer Emily Whelan
Nightline Officer Charlotte Samways

Actions and Decisions

Action IB to send round Officer Report template
Action IB to find out who at the Union can answer legal questions
Action IC to send 'Paperclip' info to CT Isabella Camilleri
Action IC and EW to meet to discuss year's aims Isabella Camilleri, Emily Whelan
Action CS to check contents of voicemail message when Nightline is closed to ensure it contains campus security and Student Life contact information. Charlotte Samways
Action DS to add societies to facebook page. David Stanley
Action IC to bring up national food waste at next Southern Unions meeting. Isabella Camilleri
Decision EW elected as senate representative Emily Whelan
1. How zone meetings work

- For next zone meeting, Officers to fill out an Officer Report. Action: IB to send template round.

- 5 zone meetings throughout the year.

- All welcome, but only committee members are able to vote.

- We will be specifically inviting representatives from relevant clubs and societies.

- AOB = Any Other Business

Action IB to send round Officer Report template
2. Attendance and apologies

See above.

As the results of the Open Place elections had not yet been released, those committee members were not able to attend this meeting.

In attendance: Ilona Bartlett (Student Life and Sustainability Coordinator)

3. Review of ideas from annual planning

See Officer Reports

4. Officer reports (including aims for the year)

CT (Housing Officer)

- Who at the Union is best placed to speak to about legal questions (as Law Clinic currently unavailable)? Action: IB to investigate.

- Aims to help students to rent (sublet) out drives. Plans to potentially set up a facebook group, including clear rules. Action: IC to send information about one of our partner companies, ‘Paperclip’, to CT.

- Intends to run a questionnaire, aimed at PGs and international students.

- Will be working with new partners, Cluttr.

- Aims to focus on house harmony.


EW (Welfare Officer)

  • Aims to focus on meningitis awareness, including jabs. Action: speak in more depth about this with IC.
  • Aims to focus on Homesickness, especially destigmatising.
  • Aims to focus on increasing the visibility of support services, e.g. support service video?


CS (Nightline Officer)

  • Will be working hard to get enough volunteers to ensure Nightline can remain open.
  • Current Nightline email address is
  • Is working on incentives to encourage volunteers, e.g. a subsidised breakfast? Action: CS and IC to look into this.
  • Action: CS to check contents of voicemail message when Nightline is closed to ensure it contains campus security and Student Life contact information.
Action IB to find out who at the Union can answer legal questions
Action IC to send 'Paperclip' info to CT (Isabella Camilleri)
Action IC and EW to meet to discuss year's aims (Isabella Camilleri, Emily Whelan)
Action CS to check contents of voicemail message when Nightline is closed to ensure it contains campus security and Student Life contact information. (Charlotte Samways)
5. VP Welfare update

IC (VP Welfare)

  • Gave recycling update.
  • Update from meeting with Southampton Common Forum, including ‘Blue Light’ system on lamp posts to alert security.
  • Update from University Executive Board re mental health and support available.
6. Set date for next meeting

Thursday 6th December, 3-5pm, Meeting Room 5.

7. AOB
  • IC will be making facebook pages for the student leaders to interact with students.
  • IC will be making a facebook page for the student life zone societies. Action: DS to add societies to facebook page.
  • Movember – we will be acknowledging our support of Movember, for example social media focus on men’s mental health and physical health; however student groups (e.g. RAG) are leading the majority of events.
  • Dental health text reminder?
  • University’s Faith Strategy Group.
  • ‘How to Adult’ Fayre ideas – housing, Cluttr, recycling, noise/community repsect, frying pans/washing up, bills and utilities, food and biocycle.
  • Could the ‘Don’t Rush to Rent’ campaign actually be planting the idea of renting early?
  • Aim to lobby government re food waste, promoting the French model of requiring shops etc. to offer food to be donated before thrown away.Action: IC to bring up at next Southern Unions meeting.
  • EW elected as senate rep
Action DS to add societies to facebook page. (David Stanley)
Action IC to bring up national food waste at next Southern Unions meeting. (Isabella Camilleri)
Decision EW elected as senate representative (Emily Whelan)

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)