Leadership Elections 2024

Voting is now closed in the 2024 Leadership Elections.

You can find out more about your 2024 Candidates below and view the winners.

View the breakdown of results

Union President

Lawrence Coomber


  • Fight for Student Housing Rights
  • Campaign to up Maintenance Loans in line with Inflation
  • Create a 'SUSU App' for Food and Drink Ordering
  • Create a Student Real Estate Investment Fund
  • Create a Student-Council Helpline

More about Lawrence

Ethan Chiu
  • A new, proper student pub.
  • Increase affordability for students on campus.
  • Promote women's safety in Southampton.
  • Free, popular student socials in SU buildings.
  • Free financial and vocational skills advice.

More about Ethan

Vice President Activities

Emily Dugdale


  • Advocate equitable funding for all societies.
  • Create dedicated online and on-campus promotion spaces.
  • Increase visibility for non-sports societies at fairs.
  • Support smaller societies to thrive and grow.
  • Ensure diverse student interests are celebrated and nurtured.

More about Emily

Sade Sheikh
  • Foster Inclusivity: Ensure that all activities and events are accessible, promoting a culture where every student feels valued and included.
  • Enhance Engagement: Work tirelessly to create opportunities that reflect the interests and needs of our diverse student body, making sure there's something for everyone.
  • Build Community: Strengthen the sense of belonging among students by supporting initiatives that bring us together, celebrating the big community that we are.

More about Sade

Deeraj "Deeraj" Marupuri
  • Student Representation
  • Inclusivity
  • Resource allocation
  • Event Enhancement
  • Feedback enhancement

More about Deeraj

Lingxin "Bill" Kong
  • Making more spaces available for society activities
  • Increased society presence through increased visibility and cross-univerisity collaboration
  • Making booking process easier and more accessible
  • Increased funding and opportunities for societies
  • Fostering a culture of volunteering by providing more opportunities

More about Lingxin

Oliver Picken
  • Lobby UoS to prioritise student groups and events in terms of funding, hire of university venues etc
  • Fairer and more transparent communication between SUSU and societies
  • On-going training and peer-support for society committees
  • Build relationships with local companies and organisations for society sponsorship
  • Commitment to accessibility and inclusion

More about Oliver

Vice President Education and Democracy

Rebecca Would


  • Make policies (e.g. special cons) understandable for students with flowcharts
  • Assessments step 2 - supporting student wellbeing through assessments
  • Enable choice in email communications (while increasing your student voice!)
  • Postgraduate Research student blog on the SUSU website
  • Democracy and elections focus ahead of upcoming General Elections

More about Rebecca

Alice "Axolotl" Robertson
  • Push for clear AI usage policies for learning and research.
  • Grow awareness of feedback channels, every voice should be heard.
  • Increase guidance and resources for course reps to improve effectiveness.
  • Investigate differences in attendance motivations, both students’ and academics’ opinions.
  • Implement practical groups for SEAtS/MyEngagement to identify success levels.

More about Alice

FatemehSadat "FatemehSadat" Jafari
  • Responsible. I have been a teacher and team leader, we achieved best results.
  • Friendly. I am ready to help everyone if I can!
  • On-time. I should be the first arrived person at each meeting
  • Intelligent.
  • Learning Lover. I am delighted to learn about different subjects!

More about FatemehSadat

Vice President Sports

Conor White


  • Transform varsity into a vibrant festival, promoting well-being and enjoyment
  • Promote financial inclusivity: Affordable sports club participation for all students
  • Lobby for upgraded/safer sports facilities and better maintenance
  • Enhance leadership to club communication for increased transparency and collaboration
  • Expand mental health resources/training for accessible support for all

More about Conor

Vice President Welfare and Community

Lottie James


  • Collaborate for neurodiversity, disability representation, and social mobility support.
  • Ensure accessible libraries, fair study room allocation, and safe transportation.
  • Lobby for funding: 'Food for All', welfare cupboards, consistent gym prices.
  • Advocate for EDI training, green initiatives, and inclusive sports venues.
  • Work with local businesses to create opportunities for students.

More about Lottie

Amy Moir
  • Period Products longevity and expansion
  • Misconduct policy solidification
  • Physical health focus: meningitis
  • Mental health focus: community and networking
  • Proactive awareness and support for marginalised groups

More about Amy

Edma Hyskaj
  • I love to socialise
  • I will advocate for positive mental health
  • I'm a great listener
  • I will promote fun in University
  • I will work to create a safe and accepting community

More about Edma

Olaoluwamide "Ola" Oludipe
  • Making an impact in the school community
  • Caring about fellow students
  • Advocating for minority voices
  • Hosting inclusive events
  • Making sure everyone has fun!

More about Olaoluwamide

Student Trustee

Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty Officer

Environment and Life Sciences Faculty Officer

Social Sciences Faculty Officer

Chair of Senate


Available Positions

No candidates stood for the following positions. For more information, or to express an interest in running for one of these positions, please get in touch with the Representation Team via repres@soton.ac.uk.