create more part-time jobs opportunities

Anonymous submitted on

Tuesday 21st March 2023


I am an international student and want to work, but since I've got a visa, I'm only allowed to work part-time and when I try to look for jobs at the university I only find 20 hours and more (when we are only supposed to work 20 hours per week over term time). As an international student who is struggling with the cost of living, it is frustrating to see that SUSU does not help that much.


Here, you can view the complete set of official responses from the sabbatical officers regarding this submission.

Students' Union replied on

Thursday 23rd Mar 2023 10:13am


Thank you for this submission!
SUSU offers a full range of part-time jobs for students, allowing us to employ over 150 student staff, which can be accessed for less than 20 hours a week here.
We are due to go out for recruitment for a whole new set of student staff in the coming months as we approach summer, so stay up to date with the jobs available by checking back every few weeks! 
Additionally, we have added a new section to our website called JobShop with the aim of collating part-time jobs for students in the local community in a singular accessible location. This site is still being updated as it is very new so stay posted as we develop this to reach its fullest potential. The site can be found here.
Finally, the University employs student ambassadors on zero hour contracts on a range of different activities here
I am going to close this submission now as SUSU has dedicated a significant amount of resources to ensuring that students are able to attain part-time work during their time at university. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to make another submission or reach out to me directly at
All the best,

Oliver Murray

Union President 2022-2023


  • Forwarded to Union President

    Thursday 23rd Mar 2023 9:49am


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