Chloe Sharman-Moss

Candidate for Education School President

Photo of Chloe Sharman-Moss

Key Points

  • Continue to ensure that the school is a welcoming place
  • Discuss the ways assessment timetabling works/ Spread deadlines out
  • Ensure all students feel confident in research methods and SPSS
  • Ensure assignment structure and feedback is clear
  • Improve communication between Education and Psychology for joint honours students

Why vote for Chloe Sharman-Moss?

I believe that I would make a good School of Education president because I am friendly, approachable, and confident with speaking to both staff and students. I have good knowledge of the current positives of the school and things that people would like to improve because I am currently a joint honours course rep for Year 1 and have attended all the SSLCs. The SSLCs are important, as this is where course reps give feedback from students on how they currently feel about their programme of study. I have kept up to date throughout the year with the various SSLCs in the school by reading the minutes from each meeting. I am happy to work with all students in the school, from UG to PG and PGCE students. Students have voiced that there have been problems for joint honours students, due to mix ups in communication, so I want to ensure that communication is smooth between Education and Psychology, which I have already started to do in a focus group. Some students have said they are worried about deadlines being up close together, so I will work with the school to see how this can be improved. Research methods is a difficult part of all courses, so I want to ensure that it is well understood, and students feel confident to tackle any assessments they have on this. Assignment structure also needs to be clear for all students and feedback also needs to be specific and achievable.