Summer Elections 2024

Now more than ever, you can make a change! If you want to make change happen and improve student life at Southampton, now is your chance.

Voting is open from Wednesday 15th May at 09:00. Have your say on who should be your next School & Department Presidents, Trustees, Student Officers and more before Friday 17 May at 16:00.

You can read the rules for our Summer Elections here: Summer Elections Rules 2024.

The Candidates

Student Trustee

Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research Officer

Arts and Humanities Sustainability Officer

BAME Officer

Disabilities Officer

Engineering and Physical Sciences Postgraduate Research Officer

Engineering and Physical Sciences Sustainability Officer

Environmental and Life Sciences Sustainability Officer

International Officer

LGBTQ+ Officer

Medicine Faculty Officer

Medicine Postgraduate Research Officer

Social Science Postgraduate Research Officer

Social Sciences Sustainability Officer

Wellbeing Officer

Women's Officer

Biological Sciences School President

Business School President

Chemistry School President

Economic, Social and Political Science School President

Education School President

Electronics and Computer Science School President

Engineering School President

Geography and Environmental Science School President

Health Sciences School President

Humanities School President

Law School President

Mathematical Sciences School President

Ocean & Earth Sciences School President

Physics and Astronomy School President

Psychology School President

Aeronautics and Astronautics Department President

Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering Department President

Economics Department President

English Department President

Film Department President

Mechanical Engineering Department President

Midwifery Department President

Music Department President

Nursing Department President

Podiatry Department President

Politics and International Relations Department President