
Now more than ever you can make a change

Leadership Elections 2024​

Voting is now closed in the 2024 Leadership Elections. Congratulations to everyone who was elected!

The Leadership Elections provides you with the chance to elect the leaders that would shape your university life at Southampton, including all the educational projects, clubs, societies, and the Students’ Union. Learn more about the various roles at SUSU:

Sabbatical Officers​

Being a Sabbatical Officer means enhancing life at the University for all students. You will participate in crucial meetings, advocate for students, and ensure their voices are heard at the highest university level. With the support of the Students’ Union, you can play a significant role in driving substantial changes at SUSU and the University, with several opportunities to make changes country-wide as well.

This is a full-time, paid role with an annual pay of £22,254 that you can take on either at the end of your studies or during a year out.

There are five Sabbatical Officer role positions:

Faculty Officer

Faculty Officers are the senior academic reps in their faculty, reporting in to the Union’s VP Education and Democracy. In the 2024 Leadership Elections we have the following Faculty Officer roles available:

Arts and Humanities Faculty Officer
Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty Officer
Environment and Life Sciences Faculty Officer
Medicine Faculty Officer
Social Sciences Faculty Officer


Students in this role are entrusted, with the other trustees, overall responsibility for the work that the Students’ Union undertakes. They focus on the strategic direction of the Students’ Union, ensuring that the Union creates and implements strategies that meets it’s objectives.


Our Union Senate is the committee that holds the Sabbatical Officers and their Student Officers accountable to their plans for the year. Senate also reviews the actions of the Sabbatical Officers to ensure they are representing students effectively.

We have 16 elected Senators who sit on this committee. As a Senator your focus is primarily on accountability and transparency.

Chair of Senate

Our Union Senate is the committee that holds the Sabbatical Officers and their Student Officers accountable to their plans for the year. Senate also reviews the actions of the Sabbatical Officers to ensure they are representing students effectively.

The Chair of Senate sits on this committee, and their focus is primarily on accountability, transparency and ensuring the smooth running of Senate.


When is voting open?

Voting is open in our Leadership Elections from Tuesday 12 March at 09:00 until Thursday 14 March at 16:00. Click here to vote. 

If you are having trouble voting please email us at repres@soton.ac.uk along with your username, your course, and your year of study.

Everyone who votes at any point before voting closes will be entered in our competition which has 8 fantastic prizes*:

  • A pair of Weekend Victorious Festival Tickets
  • A pair of tickets to see Saints vs Stoke City on 27 April
  • 2 x £150 gift vouchers
  • 4 x £50 restaurant vouchers

This year we are offering you even more chances to win – once you have voted, your voting confirmation email will include a bespoke link, send that link to your friends and if any of them use it to cast their vote you will be entered for the above competition again. Each time someone new uses it you will get a new entry, increasing your chance of winning! 

*Terms and Conditions apply. Find out more: Terms and Conditions.