Joshie Christian

Candidate for Mathematical Sciences School President

Photo of Joshie Christian

Key Points

  • Better communication with our course representatives
  • Supporting the Maths Society
  • Improving the Buddy Scheme
  • Being a helpful and approachable point of contact
  • Supporting the module review process (hopefully happening this year)

Why vote for Joshie Christian?

Hi, I'm Joshie (they/them), a second year student studying pure mathematics.

I've been very active in the faculty this year, as Vice President and Treasurer of the Maths Society I have been involved in planning and running all the socials and the end-of-year ball! I'm sure many of you know me through the society or from seeing me around the maths student centre.

I have also been a student representative member of the SSLC (Student Staff Liason Comittiee) for the past year and now I would love to continue improving everyone's student experience in maths as President of Mathematical Sciences, I will improve the communication between students and their representatives and make sure everyone gets their queries and feedback heard, I hope I can encourage our student representatives to give their cohorts feedback on our meetings.

I will make sure the faculty continue to support the new Wednesday Afternoon academic talks, and of course work with the Maths Society, supporting their academic and social events and running our termly film-and-pizza nights!

I will make sure I am a helpful and accessible point of contact for all maths students, especially our freshers, and I will ensure our Buddy scheme gives them even more support than it has in years before.