Eshaa Fathima

Candidate for International Officer

Photo of Eshaa Fathima

Key Points

  • Empowerment: Elevate voices, provide opportunities, and encourage self-development.
  • Engagement: Foster participation, communication, and feedback for an active community.
  • Community Building: Create inclusive events, and encourage cultural exchange.
  • Support: Provide resources, advocacy, and aid for diverse needs.
  • Innovation: Embrace creative problem-solving, experimentation, and outside the box ideas

Why vote for Eshaa Fathima?


As an Indian international student  who has spent most of her adolescent years in the UAE and now living in the UK for the past two years , I have gained valuable insights into the unique challenges and opportunities of being a part of a diverse community. I aim to use my experiences to develop strategies and initiatives that promote inclusivity, cultural exchange, and community building.

One of my top priorities is establishing a peer mentorship program, which will allow international students to connect with senior students or alumni with similar backgrounds or interests. This program will provide guidance and support for navigating university life and promote community among students.

An exciting idea that I have is to organize a day where international and cultural societies can showcase their unique backgrounds through performances, food festivals and  stalls. I also propose establishing an international student ambassador program to further promote cross-cultural exchange and understanding. International students can volunteer to represent their countries and cultures at events, providing a platform to share their unique perspectives and experiences with the wider student body.

I also think that establishing a channel where international students can easily get in touch with the SUSU as well as give feedback is key to identify critical issues that we can help solve. 

Lastly, I believe that innovation is key to creating a thriving and inclusive community. I plan to collaborate with other societies and organizations to explore new and creative ways to engage international and local students alike.