Andrew Littlejohn

Candidate for Senator

Photo of Andrew Littlejohn

Key Points

  • I am studying to become a barrister
  • Will maintain student/representative confidentiality.
  • Willingness to listen to your concerns with open ears.
  • Genuine want for peers to succeed.
  • Have completed a previous undergrad.

Why vote for Andrew Littlejohn?

Hello! My name is Andrew Littlejohn, a dedicated first-year Law student who graduated from The University of Alabama with a strong aspiration to become a barrister. 

I wholeheartedly nominate myself for the position of course representative for the following course, driven by my commitment to volunteer with SUSU and fulfill its core objectives:  
Advocating for the voices and perspectives of students within our cohorts. Raising any concerns fellow students may have, and ones that I have seen during my time as a Undergraduate. 
Working closely with faculty to communicate your needs as students. 
Colaborating with the Department/School President to voice your concerns and take action. 
Vote for me to ensure your concerns are heard, valued, and acted upon. Together we will make a significant impact on our journey! Roll Tide Roll!