Lawrence Coomber
Candidate for Union President

Key Points
- Fight for Student Housing Rights
- Campaign to up Maintenance Loans in line with Inflation
- Create a 'SUSU App' for Food and Drink Ordering
- Create a Student Real Estate Investment Fund
- Create a Student-Council Helpline
Why vote for Lawrence Coomber?
I’m Lawrence. I’m currently a third year Student, meaning I have the experience of running societies and have been involved with SUSU constantly. I know the issues students have, and what can be improved from our side, and now want to see these things implemented.
Having been majorly affected by the Cost-of-Living Crisis, taking action and fighting for what is necessary will be at the forefront of what I do. I will carry SUSU forward in campaigning for proper Student Housing Rights against landlords who use and abuse their position to charge extortionate rent, avoid repairs, and neglect their Student tenants.
In order to facilitate this, I will create the Student-Council Helpline. Southampton City Council is eager and willing to help their Students who live in the city with any and all issues, however most students are unaware of the help they can provide. The SUSU website will have added to it a page where Students can have their concerns directly sent to the Council, and have effective advice and help given.
Part of solving this housing dilemma is making a role for SUSU in it. I will demand that SUSU is taken seriously by the University, and given funds to create a housing portfolio, through the Student Real Estate Investment Fund. This will help provide affordable, good quality and well-maintained housing for students who can know that their rent payments are being invested back into the community and not paying for a landlord’s holiday.
I will campaign to increase the Maintenance Loan in line with inflation, which so far has seen Students become ever worse-off year after year. Since starting University three years ago, the Loan has increased just over 2%, despite prices rising 16% on average! Without employment or guaranteed help from parents, students are left to scrape by without sensible Loan increases, and this must end.
It’s also clear that Student life is deteriorating on Campus, with the closure of the Bridge’s Kitchen and the Piazza’s Cafe. Reform is needed, and this should start with modernisation – I will oversee the creation of a ‘SUSU App’, allowing Students to order food and drink hassle-free, saving valuable time and making it easier to spend time on Campus.
I promise to dedicate myself entirely to the Student Body, and will work day and night to ensure that Students are represented and given what they deserve!