Gavin Dcunha

Candidate for Senator

Photo of Gavin Dcunha

Key Points

  • Creating a buddy program to help freshers settle in
  • Balanced workload and the ability to choose non-core modules
  • Creating a structure to focus on P2P learning
  • Focusing on professional development classes
  • Ensuring the post grads are better represented in the council

My name is Gavin Austin D Cunha and I am pursuing my MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering. I rejoined Academia after 4 years of working in the Industry as a Mechanical Design Engineer. My time in the industry has helped me develop an outcome driven approach to most things I do.

"Say what you want to do and do what you say" is an overly simplified way of how I work. During my time in university and also during my professional life I have always had a penchant for leadership activities. I have been a member of various organizations and societies during my colleigate and professional days. All these experiences have helped me become the individual I am today.

If elected, there are a few points, I would like to work on:

  1. Creating a buddy program to help freshers settle in:

This is a program which a friend of mine who is studing at the University of Leeds informed me of. The University pairs people up based on similar interests and facilitates a coordial enviroment where one learns about new cultures and also dosen't feel alienated.

  1. Balanced workload and the ability to choose non-core modules:

A more balanced workload and the option for students to choose from non-core modules, would widen their perspectives and help them get a healthy understanding of other disciplines. Ideally a student would be able to choose modules which certify technical requirements and also have enough time to explore other interests.

  1. Creating a structure to focus on P2P learning:

Studies have shown that P2P (Peer to Peer) learning is a proven method of learning. With all the diversity that is on campus, students can stand to benifit directly from P2P learning. For eg., in groups comprised of UG and PG students, UG students can learn directly from the experiences of the Post Grads and PG students in turn can revist their fundamentals with discussions with the Undergrads.

  1. Focusing on professional development classes:

Apart from the academic education students receive, the learning curve could be much steeper if there was a process in place which could help them become allround professionals. This could be done by organizing professional development classes and more student driven projects like the Student Innovation Projects which would help the students put their learning into practice. These measures can develop vital skills in students which they can then take to their workplaces thereby becoming better ambassdors for the university.

  1. Ensuring the post grads are better represented in the council:

Post Graduate students (both taught and research) form an integral part of the student community. But more oftern than not, Post Graduates often find themselves alienated from the student community. If elected, I would like to use this oppurtunity to represent them in various functionings of the University viz., deciding workloads, career aspirations, organizing more social events etc.


Let us work togethor to make our time more memorable and more fruitful.

Thank You.