
Union Senate (8th May 2019)


Name of Committee Union Senate
Date and time 8th May 2019, 18:00
Place Students' Union (SUSU)
Chair of Senate Tom Radford
Senator Zakaria Al Shmaly
Senator Amalia-Andreea Cojocar
Senator Katy Davies
Senator Joel Jordan
Senator Galyna Mandra
Senator Katja Stout
Senator Nazrin Wilkinson
Senator Channing Eady-Gately
Senate Representative - External Engagment Zone Charlotte Colombo
Senate Representative - Student Communities Zone Arvin De Vera
Senate Representative - Sustainability Zoe Booth
Senate Representative- Education Zone Adrian Li
Senate Representative-Creative Industries Zone Isaac Treuherz
Senate Representative - Student Life Zone Emily Whelan
Senate Representative - Democracy Zone Ned Williams
Senate Representative - Sports Development Zone Tara Granea
In Attendance
(non-voting officers and staff)
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Minutes from the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting can be found here:

3. Update on Actions

- Isabella to report back on what work the Sexual Violence Working Group is doing to support anxious students after the recent assault and to generally raise awareness and promote safety.

Papers and Proposals
P 4. Disciplinary Hearing Reports
P 5. You Make Change Update
P 6. Disciplinary Hearing Reports
Senate Reports
P 7. Sabbatical Reports
P 8. Zone Reports
9. Questions from Senators
10. AOB

Key: P (Papers Provided), PF (Papers to Follow)